Day 17 - Posture - 2 Timothy 1:2

2 Timothy 1:7

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

If you have participated in 21 Days of Fasting, you know at this point you are on the home stretch. You have learned that food doesn’t satisfy, and your source of strength comes from God. In 2 Timothy, Paul tells Timothy that the Spirit does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. Another way to say this would be, The Spirit of God gives us a posture.

Posture is how one carries themselves. Standing upright with your shoulders squared or standing slumped with your hands in your pockets reflects a posture of confidence or timidity. God has given us a posture. We take on this God-posture when we surrender to Jesus entirely.

  1. You have power through the Spirit of God! God has give you power to overcome, power to change, and power to make a difference. Square your shoulders, stand up straight, and put on that posture of power.

  2. You can love through the Spirit of God. God has given you the power to love. You can love your spouse and children. You can love your neighbor as your self. You can love other people. You can reflect the love of God through Christ Jesus! You can love. Put on that posture of Love.

  3. You can be self-disciplined through the Spirit of God. You can control your tongue, your habits, your routines, what you eat and don’t eat. God has given you self-discipline. Look sharp. Put on that posture of self-discipline.

Be blessed - and, How’s your posture today?